Gynecomastia or man boobs is a
condition where excess fat is accumulated on chest area
of men thus causing much embarrassment and negative self image. Around 50
percent of male population in the world is suffering from gynecomastiaupto some
In this condition excess skin or
fat would accumulate around a man’s chest and sometime hang downwards thus
giving a look of feminine breasts causing much embarrassment.
Gynecomastia or Man boobs usually
occur during teenage and puberty when the hormonal growth sets in and the rapid
surge and growth of hormones sometimes become imbalanced due to lack of
exercise and activity. Teenagers during this phase of growth should channel
this rush of energy towards exercise and physical activity so that androgen
receptors can successful release more testosterone hormone. Un-utilized these
hormones can convert into estrogen which is essential a female hormone and can
lead to fat accumulation around unwanted body parts including chest.
Later during adolescence and
adult years these female hormones can re-manifest and surge by lifestyle
changes like drugs, alcohol, smoking, stress, depression, liver disease, heart
and kidney disease, medications, obesity, fast and junk food, excess sugar and
salt intake, sedentary lifestyle, steroid use etc.
It is essential to continue clean
living and avoid drugs, smoking and alcohol, junk food, excess medications and
indulge in strenuous physical activity for at least 3 times a week for proper
functioning of your body and optimal hormonal production.
Apart from lifestyle choices
gynecomastia can also be caused by numerous medications taken for treatments of
various diseases and health conditions like
Anti-Androgens:- used in
treatment of conditions like enlarged prostate, prostate cancer.
Anabolic Steroids:- They are used
and sometimes recommended by gym instructors to members for building muscle and
improving performance. Although their use is illegal but many sports persons
are misguided and use it to for stronger muscles and enhanced performance
during gym and sporting events.
Aids Medications:- Medicines used
for anti-retroviral therapy like Efavirenz given to HIV Patients also cause of gynecomastia.
Anti-Anxiety Medications:-
Medicines used to treat anxiety, stress and depression are also known to cause
hormonal imbalance and cause man boobs.
Ulcer Medications:- Many ulcer
medications like Cimedtinie also cause gynecomastia.
Cancer Treatment, Hear
Medications such as digoxin, calcium channel blockers and stomach distress
medicines like metocpopramide also cause this condition.
Street Drugs:- Street Drugs and
alcohol, use of amphetamines, marijuana and methadone or dolophine also cause
this condition.
Hypogonadism:- This is a disease
which interferes with production of testosterone in testes, also syndromes like
pituitary insufficiency also called gynecomoplastia.
Aging:- Male Hormone testosterone
production starts declining after the age of 30 among men thus causing hormonal
changes and a testimony to put on weight.
Hyperthyroidism, kidney failure,
liver failure:- Insufficient production of hormone thyroxine by thyroid gland,
liver problems like cirrhosis, dialysis is another reason.
Malnutrition and Starvation:-
When you starve your body and it is deprived of adequate nutrition, it cause a
hormonal balance leading to drop in testosterone thus causing gynaecomoastia.
Therefore if you do crash dieting or yoyo dieting it could result in man boobs.
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