The discussion on bodily fluids is always deemed crass. There is a lack of knowledge about what the body excretions come to represent due to well, the grossness of the topic. However, at the same time, it is just as important to realize what the excretions come to represent.
The pee and poop play a crucial role in the process of diagnostics. They represent the internal state of the body. Any anomaly or disease in the body is diagnosed with the analysis of this discharge. That is why stool and urine sampling is a vital process in pathology findings.
Therefore, even if you find it horrible and unappealing, it is still important to recognize these early symptoms of problem within the body. If caught timely, you can visit an appointment with your urologist in Lahore and have the problem resolved without putting your body through unnecessary pain.
Knowing the following pee color chart and what it represents is therefore helpful for adults and children, alike.
Clear or colorless pee:
Clear pee is not so good an omen. While if it occurs occasionally, it just means you were a little exuberant with your water intake. But, if it’s a perpetual state, then you need to assess your drinking choices as there is also such a thing as drinking too much water.
Many people drink abnormally high levels of water to prevent the hunger pangs, working under the assumption that water is life. However,anything that is not normal for your body will perturb it.
When you over-hydrate, the salts in the body, like the electrolytes, get diluted. As this ratio is rather precarious, disturbance in these cause lethargy, digestive issues etc. In a more dangerous scenario, water in toxication can occur as well.
Moreover, over-hydration also poses the danger of hyponatremia. In this condition, due to increased water in the body, sodium level in the blood decreases to dangerous levels. Consequently, cells start taking up more water, swelling as a result. If this occurs in the brain cells, coma occurs in the best case, and death is the worst-case scenario.
Therefore, moderate your water intake.
Pale, light-yellow color pee:
This is the color of the pee that you should be aiming for. The great dilution factor that this color represent means that your water intake is adequate. Your urinary tract is very happy with the hydration rate and your kidneys also do not have to be overworked.
Bright yellow:
Often the pee color changes when you have had your vitamins. B2in particular leads to the change in the color. This is generally harmless excretion of excess vitamins.
Cloudy pee is not a sign of health. It can be pointing at bladder infection and thus requires treatment.
Medium to dark yellow:
Urochrome is the pigment responsible for the color of your pee. When body breaks down hemoglobin in the process of excretion or removal of waste products, this pigment is formed. Hence, more the waste, more concentrated the pee will be.
When person is dehydrated, body holds back more water in the body, rather than expelling it with the waste. Consequently, the urine becomes darker. This color is a big warning sign and should be heeded to.
Dehydration leads to all sorts of problems in the body. Water is an important component of many metabolic processes, which slow down as a result. As a result, dehydrated people often experience fatigue, brought on also by poor blood circulation as well.
Other signs of dehydration include persistent thirst, making less trips to the loo for peeing, disorientation etc. If left untreated, extreme dehydration can also lead to death.
Therefore, if you see that you pee color is dark yellow or even orangish, load up your water bottles. Caffeine also promotes water loss so cut down on it too, for the time being, in the very least.
Often dehydration is due to digestive problems like vomiting or diarrhea. If that’s the case, you need to visit a doctor urgently, before things become worse!
This color could be signaling many things. Dehydration leads to darker pee color. It is also possible that you had some food that had orange food color in it.
However, orange color can also potentially be a sign of liver condition. Hence, up your water game and quit any foods with artificial coloring added to them. If your pee still looks orange, a visit to the doctor is due.
Pink to red:
Sometimes the foods we eat can lead to pee changing color. Beets, artificial food colorings etc. can lead to the pink or reddish tint in the pee.
Some medication like antibiotics can also be blamed for the presence of pink color in the pee. However, the pink or red color can also due to blood in the urine. This is a serious condition that requires a visit to the best Urologist in Karachi.
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