Top Features of iOS 13 That You Must Leverage During iPhone App Development

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Based on the changing customer requirements, newer updates are coming every other day. The notion behind the up-gradation is not only to walk ahead of the trend but also improving the experience of the end-user. After Apple's release of iPhone11, it has launched iOS 13 in later 2019 as everyone says that iOS13 came up with some of the flawless features that prove it to be one of the finest updates of iOS over the years. 

When you are seeking for the iPhone app development for your business, you must keep the below-listed features in mind. Make your iOS app compatible with these features and improvise the reach of your offerings. 

  • Dark Mode: 
Do you know dark mode improves the visibility of users/viewers with low/minimized vision? That's true; our beloved Google explained it while launching dark mode for the Android devices. The latest version of iOS, iOS 13.0, introduced the dark mode to the Apple devices. It is undoubtedly coming with all the later updates as well. The dark mode is said to prolong the battery life and soothes the eyes of the user as well. When the dark mode is turned on, the brightness emitted by the screen towards the user reduces. Thus, dark enables prolonged usage of the device without causing that much damage to the retina of the user. 
Some of the users adore the dark mode to the extent that they were moving to the other devices like Android. iPhone's dark mode already had them with Apple devices, by creating engaging iPhone apps you can please them further. The dark mode is beneficial for iOS app developers, as it allows choosing dark colours from the colour palette. It's better to intensify the additional options of the menu, controls, and other on-screen options. 
  • Now, Apple enables you to create an account with your iPhone app by using your Apple account. We know, it can be really painful for anyone to create Sign in with your Apple Id: 
and manage numerous accounts for different activities. All thanks to Google and Facebook to save us from this misery by enabling the feature of universal login. However, you must know that Google and Facebook track your activities personally across all the platforms you sign-in through them. To minimize this tracking of your users without their permission, you must enable logging in via your Apple ID. Apple offers access to minimum information of the user when used for signing in and won't track user activity on any site. 
  • Make your user feel secure with privacy protection:
No one likes to be tracked all the time about all the activities that one is performing throughout the day. Well, that was the case with the majority of the iPhone apps earlier. The Bluetooth access enabled the tracking of the user throughout the day. iOS 13 enables the management of the Bluetooth setting for the mobile apps that are installed in the device. Now, the user can allow or block the location access that apps are performing in the background. When you are getting your iPhone app developed, you must keep the permission feature on for the user. Even if you don't do it in the first go, you probably have to manage it in your next updates. But, as it's always there, it's safer than to be sorry. Empower your users by keeping the strings of security in their hand, and they will adore you for the same. 
  • Help your customer find you with Apple Maps: 
In the old times, the Apple map wasn't as powerful as that of the Google maps. There have been several instances when the intervention of Google maps is just because of the accuracy it offers in tracking the places. iOS13's 'look around' feature proves to be of great utility over Google maps. It allows you to zoom the location and get a 360-degree view of the place and nearby locations, which further makes it easier to find the places. During iPhone app development, you can leverage this feature to connect your users and customers to your business and help them reach you physically. It will enrich your customer experience, for sure.

If we talk about the features and updates of iOS13, there are many. But, we have mentioned the important ones here that you can get benefited with during the iPhone app development. To convert your ideas about the services you want to market via your app development, you can write to us at  

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